

Comic book themed on labor. It deals cultural, historical and philosophical aspects of the labor movement in Germany. It will tell the personal story of family labor history of the artist over 3 generations. Throughout the book, autobiographical stories and historical and educational topics and facts will be interwoven, with references on pop culture and art history.


1981年、ドイツ生まれ。さまざまな土地に住んだ後、現在はハンブルグを拠点とする。コブレンツで社会福祉を学び、2003年に卒業。ソーシャルワーカーとして働いた後、ハンブルク応用科学大学にてイラストレーションを学び、2017年に学位を取得する。現在はフリーランスのアーティストとして活動。グラフィックノベルのデビュー作『In the future we are dead』はドイツとアメリカで出版され、チャーリー・アイゼルト賞にて新人賞受賞、第21回文化庁メディア芸術祭マンガ部門にて審査員推薦作品に選出。

Born in 1981 in Germany. Eva Müller lived in many places and has her base in Hamburg now. She studied social work in Koblenz and finished with a Diploma in 2003. After working several years as a social worker, she studied illustration at the HAW Hamburg and finished with a bachelor degree in 2017. Now she is a freelance artist. Her debut full length Graphic Novel “In the future we are dead” was published in Germany and the US. The book won the Charly Eiselt Award for best newcomer and was selected at the 21st Japan Media Arts Festival Manga Division Jury Selection.
