

An animation telling the story of two mailmen and a couple that lives in two different cities. The two mailmen one day begin to read the letters and slowly become involved in the romance between the couple. Eventually, the letters begin to only go between the two mailmen and a fictitious exchange begins unbeknownst to the couple.The theme here is “Truth and Lies, Fantasy and Relationships”, and how far we will allow ourselves to be led by lies when we need something to hold onto.


ロシア生まれ。アニメーション作家、イラストレーター。サンクトペテルブルクの映画テレビ大学およびラ・プドリエール・アニメーション学校で学び、フランスとロシアを拠点に作品を制作。ドラマとコメディを織り交ぜながら、自らのアイディアを 実現するためのメディアとしてアニメーションを用いている。

Born in Russia. Animation artist, illustrator. Studied at the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television and La Poudrière Animation Film School. Based between France and Russia where she works. Combining drama and humor, she uses the medium of animation to materialize her ideas.
